Shotokan Fudokan Karate-do
of Northern Virginia
One of the most popular martial arts, Shotokan karate helps create balance and harmony within the human being through physical, mental and psychological training. More than just a method of combat, karate emphasizes self-discipline, positive attitude and high moral purpose. It is a way to achieve physical well-being, self-defense for both adults and children.

The study of Shotokan karate is more than "kick and punch". Karate is a way of life, a personal code of self-discipline, personal strength and respect. Both children and adults benefit from the training.
Sterian Tuluceanu, 7th Dan, and Marian Tuluceanu, 7th Dan, the instructors for the Shotokan Fudokan Karate-do of Northern Virginia (SFKNV), have earned reputations of patience, wisdom and of having the amazing ability to breakdown and to clearly communicate complicated martial arts techniques. It's their abilities to understand the intention and the passion of each movement and its relationship to the human body that makes these classes unique.
Shotokan Fudokan Karate-do of Northern Virginia (SFKNV) is associated to World Fudokan Federation (WFF).
Click the star to learn about our next Summer Camp
with Dr. Prof Ilija and Vladimir Jorga, July 12-14, 2024.
“The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants ”
― Gichin Funakoshi

"Modern life is too quick and competitive, changes are rapid, and karate helps us see past the world around us and into ourselves. Our pace of living keeps us looking ahead; karate helps us rediscover ourselves. Studying kata is like basic education and kumite is the final examination. The only diploma is using karate in everyday life."
-Mr. Shojiro Koyama
ISKF Spotlight Magazine